Two Daughters by Alison Edwards is a fictional story of two women, Ava and Laurie, who both would…
Tag: motherhood
BOOK CLUB: The Skeleton House
The Skeleton House by Katherine Allum is a brilliant read. It is a powerful, thought-provoking, heart-wrenching story of…
Sometimes motherhood is not like you expect it to be, your head full of expectations and…
BOOK CLUB: Those Other Women
Author: Nicola Moriarty ISBN: 978-1-4607-5331-6 RRP: $29.99 Publisher: Harper Collins Copy: Courtesy of the Publisher Those Other Women is the…
Book Club: Crazy Busy Guilty
Author: Lauren Sams ISBN: 9781863958943 RRP: $29.99 I saw some fabulous reviews of She’s Having Her…