BOOK CLUB: The Art of Self-Kindness

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10 of our Beauty and Lace members are reading The Art of Self-Kindess by Rebecca Ray. You can read their feedback in the comments section below, or contribute to the conversation with your own thoughts on the book. Review copies are courtesy of the publisher.

Author: Rebecca Ray
ISBN: 9781760783372
Publisher: Macmillan Australia

This book is for you, the one with sensitivity as a super-power, though you’re still learning to offer it to yourself.

You, the first to share a kind word with others even when you’re not gentle on yourself. You, known for your generosity but who forgets to give to yourself.

This book is in your hands now because it’s time to befriend yourself.

Dr Rebecca Ray is a writer, speaker and clinical psychologist. She invites you into the practice of self-kindness as the bravest of human art forms.

Cast aside the bullet-point lists or assembly instructions in favour of self-care that seeks flow over force and progress over prescription. Come on a journey back to yourself through the art of self-kindness.

6 thoughts on “BOOK CLUB: The Art of Self-Kindness

  1. Thank you to Beauty and Lace for the opportunity to read and review The art of kindness by Rebecca Ray.

    What a pretty little hardcover book full of encouraging, insightful words and exercises to try. It would make a lovely gift.

    The book is structured so that you can read from cover to cover or by a specific topic as it interests you. The book also includes inspirational quotes throughout the book.

    I am sure everybody who reads this book will have something valuable to take away. And it’s a book you can go back to time and again randomly for important reminders.

  2. This is a fabulous book,every one should read it. The importance of looking after your self is highlighted beautifully. If we want to be kind and generous to others we must be strong. Quite simply we all need to learn the Art of Self-Kindness.

  3. Thank you Beauty and Lace for the opportunity to review The Art of Self-Kindness by Rebecca Ray.

    I enjoyed this book very much and it sends a great message to all of us. I love that it has beautiful quotes and also reminds us to care for ourselves. Rebecca also relates to her own personal experiences in the book. This is a book that can help and be enjoyed by everyone.

    Rebecca is a clinical psychologist and this is her third book, so I look forward to reading her other books as well.

  4. This book would make a nice gift for someone. It’s also such a handy size that you could keep it in your handbag for those moments when you need a mental pick-me-up or some fabulous affirmations.

    It’s obvious that Dr Rebecca Ray is an expert in the field of positive psychology. She offers some excellent food for thought in this book. It’s a lot like a warm hug, you will come away feeling joyous.

  5. This is not the type of book I usually read but it sounded really good so I wanted to give it a go and I am glad that I did. The book was really well written and divided into chapters which you can choose to read front to back or you can pick and choose to read as you like in any order. In between each chapter is several pages with inspirational quotes relating to the topic just past. These pages look really pretty, and I’m tempted to tear some out and put them up on my wall!

    The chapters were relatively short but thoughtfully constructed so that each sentence was meaningful and there was a great balance between information and personal experiences. Each chapter ended with a short activity. One of my favourites was the self-kindness ritual which is a vow and I’ve saved it as the background on my phone.

    I really enjoyed this book and found that the words seemed to speak to me. The book is presented beautifully in a small size with a hardcover so I think it would make a lovely gift as well. I hadn’t heard of Rebecca Ray before but since learning this is her third book, I am very keen to check out the others, particularly her first book ‘Be Happy’.

  6. I really enjoyed this book and it came at the perfect time. I was an exhausted, Ill mum of two and this taught me that I need to look after myself, be kind to myself and stop worrying what others think.
    I know that I will keep going back to sections of this for years to come.
    It’s a perfect handbag size and has an index that points you to exactly where you want to go.

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