Inspector Singh Investigates: The Singapore School of Villainy

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Author: Shamini Flint
ISBN: 978-074-992977-0

My first thought when I picked up the book was about how frustrating it is to start reading in the middle of a series.  Either you have missed too much information and are totally lost on the characters, or you get so enthralled that you have to go searching to find the volumes you missed and catch up.

I’m still early on in this one but it’s seeming like one of the rarest kinds, one that you can just read and doubles as a stand alone novel.  I’ll be back to fill you in when I actually finish.

inspector singh

So here I am, and yes, I was right. Although this is chapter three in a series about Inspector Singh it is quite enjoyable as a stand alone novel as well.

A sordid look at the societal distinctions and the culture of Singapore. An engaging read that has interesting twists beginning to end, once you get involved you won’t be able to put it down.

Who would want to murder a senior partner in a law film? Well it seems that there are no shortage of suspects so our famed and unconventional Inspector certainly has his work cut out for him trying to work through the suspect list to discover the perpetrator.

How many partners in this international law firm have dirty secrets that must remain hidden for the good of the firm and the reputation of the lawyer? And how many of these secrets are a motive for murder?

Will the law enforcement agencies of Singapore do all they can to help get to the bottom of the killing? Or will they end up obstructing the wheels of justice by trying to protect the economy and reputation of their country?

An insight into a very different culture, and a very different justice system that will have you reading long after you probably should be sleeping.

If you like to be kept guessing and trying to think ahead to the next development then this is a book you will thoroughly enjoy. Don’t be put off by the fact that this is the third chapter in the series, that won’t hinder your enjoyment in the least. But it may encourage you to go searching for chapters one and two, I’m certainly thinking about it.

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