If you are a business owner or planning to start one, then Unstoppable Success by Jessica Williamson is a must-read.
In just under 200 pages, Jessica shares her beliefs and motivation on how to make your venture more successful. You’ll also learn how to put your energy where it is needed.
I don’t have a business, but even so, I found some of the sections in this book made me stop and think about my life. I will now face these with a different viewpoint.
Jessica talks about how self-sabotage often stops us from moving forward and reaching greater heights. I know that this can also happen in our everyday lives.
If you or someone you know needs a positive push, then this is the book they need to read.
A selection of our Beauty and Lace Club Members are reading Unstoppable Success by Jessica Williamson. You can read their comments below, or add your own review.
Im a Mum of 3 beautiful girls.
An avid reader that loves to travel but lacks the funds to venture far and wide constantly. A perfumeaholic with an addiction to beauty and skincare.
If not found with my head in a book or on a plane I can be found spending hours upon hour in Doctors and Hospital waiting rooms as part of my job as a Carer
Thank you, Beauty & Lace, for allowing me to read and review ‘Unstoppable Success by Jessica Williamson’.
I am not really into self-help books, but this was an easy read with good ideas. Learning how and where to put your energy is a skill that I have learnt over time. However, I see this as a great tool for someone starting a business and hoping to make their dreams come true.
Jessica is very positive in her outlook and understands how we all self-sabotage in different areas of our lives when we feel unsure or have forgotten the primary goal. I will recommend this book to my daughter, who is just about to finish university and is facing some significant crossroads in her future career goals. Thank you ‘Beauty & Lace Bookclub’ for the opportunity to read ‘‘Unstoppable Success by Jessica Williamson’.
‘Unstoppable Success by Jessica Williamson’
WOW – Jess is a breath of fresh air – what a power house – so refreshing to know we all have the power to succeed, it’s literally just a case of MINDSET – Control + Alt + Delete to reset your MIND, keep getting back up, brushing yourself off and continuing to put one stilettoed heel in front of the other, keep going and just get on with it.
Jess never let anything get the better of her, she looked at each hiccup (failure) as a lesson learned, changed it up, valued those lessons, and learnt not to make the same mistake again.
Jess knew when to stop ‘flogging a dead horse’ chalked it up to experience and just moved on.
Reading that at one point Jess was an introvert, and through positivity and knowing herself, believing in her Fantasy Land goals, and defining how high she was willing to aim.
With her positive attitude Jess set about shattering those glass ceiling and didn’t restrain herself to the sky being the limit, Jess just reached for the stars and beyond and succeeded.
Thank you Beauty and Lace and Big Sky Publishing for the opportunity to review Jess’s debut book.
I highly recommend this book, to business high-flyers, anyone who has a dream of creating their own business, business owners experiencing a slump and looking for inspiration, a kick start of enthusiasm, just starting out and umming and ahhing about taking that next step, then this book is for you, it’ll not only give you a gentle nudge in the right direction, it’ll catapult you into action.
I really enjoyed this inspiring read. I’m not actually planning to start a business but I do want to progress in my current role. Jessica discusses mindset a lot throughout and there are some great hot tips on getting over a negative mindset.
5/5 stars from me!
Unstoppable Success by Jessica Williamson is a must read for anyone who is trying to start or grow a business. I make and sell handmade cards and try and sell some of the supplies I use to make these cards. This is more of a hobby than a business, but Unstoppable Success has given me some great pointers on how I could grow this hobby into a small business. I am now looking at goal setting and dreaming big in Fantasy Land. This book has certainly given me lots to think about.
Jessica speaks from the heart about how she has achieved enormous success from nothing, and while I wish I had her confidence, having read Unstoppable Success, I am inspired to have more faith in my own abilities and be more confident.
Thank you to Beauty and Lace and Big Sky Publishing for the opportunity to read and review this book.
Great book! The way Jessica has written this book makes you feel empowered and ready to take on challenges.
I read this quite quickly and I then passed down to my daughter who is 21 and still finding her way and her “thing” in a business world. She loved it!
Highly recommend even if you aren’t in business yourself, it really motivates you and Jessica shows you how to kick some butt!.