“Thank You: How to Turn a Grey Day into a Yay Day” is the latest in a series of books by Josh Langley — designed to help kids understand emotions.
This book focuses on gratitude, how it feels and how it can improve your life. The text uses simple language and mostly short sentences to explain the concept in terms even quite young children can understand. The examples are very relevant to kid’s lives, using things they’re likely to encounter regularly.
I did wonder whether one or two sentences might be open to misunderstanding by the youngest of children. However, they’re likely to be reading this with an adult, who should be able to make sure the child understands.
The illustrations are bright and simple, looking a little like the drawings you’d expect from a primary aged child. These are likely to engage young readers, who’ll find them both familiar and entertaining.
There is no real “story” to this – it’s literally an explanation of a concept. That may mean some kids aren’t interested in reading (or hearing) it more than once. For other kids, though, the illustrations may entice them back despite the lack of narrative.
I’m not sure that the age group the text is aimed at will find the “worksheet” at the end very useful – they’re not likely to have much in the way of writing skills yet – but they can simply ignore them or draw pictures.
This is a bright and colourful children’s book that provides an easy and effective way to introduce the idea of gratitude to children, in terms they’re likely to understand. It’s likely to appeal most to pre-primary or kindergarten readers, but may also be useful with children in the early years of primary school.
A selection of our Beauty and Lace Club Members are reading Thank You: How to Turn a Grey Day into a Yay Day by Josh Langley. You can read their comments below, or add your own review.

I’ve loved books for as long as I can remember, and I love sharing that joy.
I’ve been an avid reader for as long as I can remember, across all genres. There’s not much I won’t at least try. I’ve been an enthusiastic book reviewer for years. I particularly enjoy discovering writers new to me, and sharing good writing with others.
My career has included time spent writing and editing technical documents, but it’s fiction that really moves me. I’ve reviewed for a number of different outlets over the years, and have been a judge in literary competitions.
I’m now raising little bookworms of my own, which brings a whole new kind of joy to sharing books.
More of my reviews can be found on my review blog www.otherdreamsotherlives.home.blog .
I have not heard of this author before as a children’s writer so after reading the book, I saw that he has had other books published and watched a video of him talking about why he started to write these books which is all very interesting. A very down to earth guy.
I have to say, I love the title of Thank you and How to turn a Grey Day into a Yay Day as it is very catching.
The illustrations inside have all been drawn by Josh himself and they are bright and very eye catching and make you smile as you read.
I really believe that saying Thank you can give yourself or a child self-esteem and that’s why this author is trying to get the message out there through his writing.
I grew up in a wonderful era and I don’t remember suffering anxiety back then but I do know that I had a low self-esteem with some things in my life.
Today, kids as young as 4 suffer from anxiety and low self esteem and I know this because I know kids that suffer from it.
Amongst this book of saying Thank you there are inspirational messages but in a way that kids can understand. For example in the book Josh says “not only can you change how you feel but you can change how other people feel too.”
Simply saying Thank You to someone certainly makes you feel better on the inside as well
At the end of the book are blank pages where kids can write Things that they are grateful for This is a fabulous book to read to kids from age 4+ up. I wish this book had been around for my kids. I would highly recommend this book for children and even adults get a kick out of reading this book.
Thank you to Beauty & Lace and Big Sky Publishing for sending me this book to read. I absolutely love children’s books as a long time ago I had a vision of writing one but just never had the drive to write anything down. My enjoyment these days is reading other books.
A wonder book to read over many times with a child. Great for home, parents, Grandparents and even for school teachers.
A happy learning book with immense character and simple messages.
Great illustrations and storyline’s.
My Granddaughter, who is nearly 4 years picks a
It up for me to read to her regularly now.
Love it.
A book that really will put a smile on your face. A brightly coloured simple easy to read book for not only early readers but also for early primary aged children. It imparts a lovely message about being thankful for all that we have no matter how small or insignificant it may seem. An inspirational fun way to teach kids how to turn a grey day into a yay day!
My nearly 5 year old great niece loved reading along with me and was keen to start her own grateful lists (blank pages provided at the end of the book)
Thank you, Beauty & Lace, for allowing me to read and review ‘Thank You – how to Turn a Grey Day into a Yay Day by Josh Langley’.
This was an entertaining and happy book about being grateful for the simple things that make all our lives fuller and more meaningful. It is aimed at young children, but many adults will enjoy reading this; at least, I know I came away smiling.
I have since passed the book on to my sister with primary school-aged children; they thought it was beautiful, loving the images, whilst my sister loved the conversations the book prompted. A very happy read. Thank you ‘Beauty & Lace Bookclub’ for the opportunity to read ‘Thank You – how to Turn a Grey Day into a Yay Day by Josh Langley’.
This is such a cute book and my nieces love it. Sucha happy book and I was smiling at the end of it too. Turned my grey day into a yay day!
Thank you Beauty and Lace for the offer to review Thank You how to turn a grey day into a yay day.
I loved reading this book to my friend’s daughter. She really enjoyed it and she found it had a valuable lesson for her also. It is a book designed to help children with their emotions and have gratitude. I think it is relevant to children today as we are more open about talking about our feelings. The illustrations are bright and eye catching
I would recommend this book for children as it is enjoyable and a great lesson for them as well.
Thank you so much for allowing us to read and review this awesome little book.
My son and I read it together. He said that he loved how the book made him feel more grateful for the things he has (he’s 9) and he also loved how bright and happy the illustrations were.
It was such a valuable little book.
This book was an incredible read with my 4 year old who struggles with her emotions.
The easy messages were great for her age and she asks me to read the book almost every day!
Thank you for the opportunity to read and review!