Kenny by John Camillo is a book that has a story within a story. As you read and learn about Kenny, you also get to read the book that he is writing.
Kenny has his own unique view on life. He always tries to do the right thing, even if what he feels is right might not be legal.
As a young man, he witnessed abuse within his school and decided that he would be the one to deal with it and stop the abuser once and for all. It was this step in his life that oddly sent him into the Air Force, where it was discovered that he was a gifted pilot.
After a horrific air accident, it is thought that Kenny is dead. His sister refused to accept this and mounted her own search for her brother. Kenny is alive and dealing with memory loss and bad burns.
Sue, a retired nurse, comes to his aid. They form a great friendship and together share many adventures. This book has it all. Touches of romance, crime, outback travel, motorbikes, fossicking, loyalty, and friendship.
I really enjoyed Kenny’s wonderful kindness and his way of looking at the world. Oddly, I saw him as a gentle soul. I think we all need a loyal friend like Kenny in our lives.
ISBN: 9781922751348
Copy courtesy of Shawline Publishing
A selection of our Beauty and Lace Club Members are reading Kenny by John Camillo. You can read their comments below, or add your own review.
Im a Mum of 3 beautiful girls.
An avid reader that loves to travel but lacks the funds to venture far and wide constantly. A perfumeaholic with an addiction to beauty and skincare.
If not found with my head in a book or on a plane I can be found spending hours upon hour in Doctors and Hospital waiting rooms as part of my job as a Carer
An interesting story about life and death, which is told in a dark and disturbing way. Also has some mystery to it which had me guessing the whole way through. A fantastic read.
Thankyou Beautyandlace and Shawline Publishing for the opportunity to review ‘Kenny’ by John Camillo. Thanks also to John Camillo for an interesting read.
Kenny the central character in this book is a complex but sensitive character.
His mother wanted him to become a priest, a very clever student he is sent to boarding school.
At his school Kenny learns of abuse and unable to prevent it sees a tragic consequence of that, and blames himself. He is convicted of murder and is sentenced to a term in jail which he avoids.
He is very close to his sister Hanna and after changing his name, he, as always makes contact with her. She is always there for him.
After again experiencing difficulties (his life is a series of events) he turns to writing, his literary characters are interesting and all in different circumstances.
Almost two stories in one this book is captivating, quite different, I enjoyed it.
Kenny is a gentle but very troubles soul, a loyal friend who thinks of everyone else.
He is a magnet for disaster and he thinks those closest to him pay the ultimate price, so he doesn’t want to be too close to anyone. His sister included but even with multiple name changes, he keep in contact with her.
Kenny writes a screenplay, while writing, this helps keep his demons at bay.
He suffers severe depression.
Following Kenny’s life is a rollercoaster which will keep you guessing, there are multiple twist and turns, mystery, suspense, murder, mayhem and a love affair.
This is a different book that is highly enjoyable and I will look forward to more Kenny in the future if he pops up.
Thank you to Beauty and Lace and Shawline Publishing Group for the opportunity to read this special book.
Kenny by John Camillo was an interesting read, quite bleak and sad but also a testament to the capacity of some to weather pain, loss, disappointment and a myriad of life challenges. Kenny is a remarkable person, super intelligent, loyal and with a strong moral compass which sees him standing up for others despite the possible ramifications for himself. Despite this he keeps on keeping on, showing endless resilience and empathy for others and maintaining his innate goodness despite it all. Kenny’s discovery of writing helps him enormously, although I struggled with the amount of space given to Kenny’s developing transcript, almost a story within the story.
I found this an often confronting and powerful novel, interesting and touching although I didn’t find Kenny an easy book to read.
Thank you Beauty and Lace and Shawline Publishing Group for the opportunity to read and review Kenny.
Thank you so much to Beauty and Lace and Shawline Publishing for allowing me to read and review Kenny.
I couldn’t put the book down, there was just something about Kenny that I really liked. He was a beautiful soul who always tried his best and was very loyal to those he loved.
Kenny was also a very philosophical novel that had me asking myself many questions about so many things that I had never even thought about before.
I highly recommend reading Kenny.
The one thing I did find hard was when Kenny was writing his own novel so there was kind of two stories in there but all the same I loved the book.
Kenny was quite an interesting read, not exactly what I was expecting, but enjoyable and an easy read nonetheless.
Kenny is as much about the characters as it is the story, Kenny himself is somewhat of an enigma, constantly morphing into different personas and professions along the way.
Kenny’s solid relationship with his sister Hannah was a pleasant constant in the book. And When Kenny starts writing a novel, it becomes a story within the story.
I could see Kenny made into an Aussie miniseries with Eric Bana as Kenny & Claudia Karvan as Hannah.
A bit of a different tale than I’m used, Kenny is a surprise package.
Thank you for the opportunity to read Kenny.
I found this to be a really difficult book to read. The writing was at times overly descriptive and too detailed, making it easy to miss the actual plot. I also feel that while set in Australia it’s been aimed at an American audience with its use of language.
The inner story, being written by Kenny, while cathartic to Kenny and integral to the plot at the time, seemed to just disappear and I would have liked to see its progression in the second part of the story.
The story itself was dark, but dark from a good place. Ultimately it was a story of avenge, and quite a lot of it.
It was an interesting read, but not one I bonded well with.
A different storyline to my normal but still good. Took me out of my comfort zone and I found it quite difficult at times so it took me a while to get through it. Difficult to review too I afraid. This doesn’t happen often.
Kenny, I felt as a lost soul but a determined and loyal person.
a real pleasure to know how Kenny is being received. He could well pop up again, when I work out what he’s doing.
Wow. What a great book to read and so not what I was either expecting or normally read.
This however is not for the faint hearted as you ride the rollercoaster of disasters and problems that Kenny faces in his life. Kenny shoulders a great burden as he navigates the world that just seems to have it in for him (and those around him) at every turn.
Turning to writing, Kenny finds some level of peace that he hasnt previously experienced which helps him ‘survive’ in his world of woes.
Worth reading!