BOOK CLUB: All We Have is Now

All We Have is Now by Kaneana May is an entertaining and moving story of three…

BOOK CLUB: When I Come Home Again

“When I Come Home Again” by Caroline Scott is a novel that has a strong impact.…

BOOK CLUB: The Saints of Salvation

“The Saints of Salvation” by Peter F. Hamilton is the third in a sprawling science fiction…

BOOK CLUB: I Follow You

“I Follow You” by Peter James is a novel by an established author who is well…


Author:  Jenny LecoatISBN:  9 781760 877927Copy courtesy of Allen and Unwin “The Viennese Girl” is a…

Book Review: The Baby Doctor

Author: Fiona McArthurISBN: 978-0-14-379984-9Copy courtesy of Penguin (2017) “The Baby Doctor” comes with absolutely no surprises, but it’s a…

BOOK CLUB: The Last Emperox

(Book 3 of the Interdependency series) Author: John ScalziISBN: 978-1509835355Copy courtesy of Pan MacMillan “The Last Emperox” is…


Author: Adam HamdyISBN: 978-1509899128 Copy courtesy of Pan Macmillan (2020) “Black 13” is a well-written thriller that uses…

BOOK CLUB: Would Like To Meet

By Rachel WintersISBN 9781409184904Copy courtesy of Hachette Australia “Would Like To Meet” made me laugh out…

Book Review: Three Gold Coins

By Josephine MoonISBN: 978 1 92526 614 6Allen and Unwin (2018) Josephine Moon writes thoughtful and…

BOOK CLUB: A Minute to Midnight

I really enjoy a good thriller, but with so many good writers working in the field,…

BOOK CLUB: The Orange Grove

By Kate MurdochISBN 978-1-947548-22-0Review copies courtesy of the author I found the setting of “The Orange…

BOOK CLUB: The World That We Knew

By Alice HoffmanISBN: 978-1-4711-8583-0Simon and Schuster Australia The World that We Knew manages to be both…

BOOK CLUB: The Arrangement

By Robyn HardingISBN: 978 1 760850463Publisher: Simon and Schuster (2019) “The Arrangement” is both a thriller…

Book Review: Ghosts of the Past

Author: Tony ParkISBN: 978-1-76078-211-5RRP: $32.99Publication Date: 23 July 2019Publisher: Pan MacmillanCopy: Courtesy of the Publisher This…

Book Review: The Glovemaker

Author: Ann WeisgarberISBN: 978-1-509-8-8991-4RRP: $29.99Publication Date: 26 February 2019Publisher: Mantle (Pan Macmillan) Copy: Courtesy of the…

Book Review: Fierce Fragile Hearts

Author: Sara BarnardISBN: 978 1 5098 5288 8RRP: $16.99Publication Date: 12 February 2019Publisher: Pan MacmillanCopy: Courtesy…

BOOK CLUB: A Nearly Normal Family

A Nearly Normal Family by MT Edvardsson is that rare thing, a thriller that genuinely keeps…