Author Desk: Jennifer Learmont

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Welcome, Jennifer Learmont, the latest author to share her workspace. She’s the author of Kiss My Boots, one of our upcoming book club reads.

Where is Jodie most productive? Let’s take a look:

What’s on your desk?

I actually didn’t have a particular workspace, sometimes I would have my computer on my bed,  other times on my lap on the couch, this is its actual home on this table.

I spent about four hours a day writing in various different places in the house for two years and then one year reviewing and redoing, now I’ve had a little time just to sit back and stay away from it for a bit.

What shouldn’t be on your desk?

I don’t like a lot of clutter, so if the workspace is too messy it stresses me out and distracts me.I have moved twice since I started writing this book so I’ve had to set up new places to write.

Why does this area motivate you?

My motivation came purely from inside my mind, a need to get these stories out,  there were a lot of  messy things that shouldn’t have been there. I can’t wait to hear your reviews.

These photos were taken after the book was finished.

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