Author Interview: Jodi McAlister

Jodi McAlister is the author of one of our current book club reads titled ‘Here for the Right…

Author Interview: Rachel Armstrong

Today I had the pleasure of having a chat with Rachel Armstrong, author of Home Among…

Author Interview: Frances Ive

Frances Ive, the author of Finding Jo, took some time out to have a chat with Beauty and…

Author Desk: Sasha Wasley

We’ve been looking at different author desks to see where they get their inspiration to write.…

Author Interview: Nicole Alexander

Nicole Alexander, the author of The Last Station, took some time out to have a chat with…

Author Interview: Emma Viskic

Emma Viskic, the author of Resurrection Bay, took some time out to have a chat with Beauty and…

Author Interview: Leigh Straw

Leigh Straw, author of The Petticoat Parade took some time out to have a chat with…

Author Interview: Bella Paige

A selection of our members are reading True Colours by Bella Paige. Bella took some time out…

Author Interview: Darry Fraser

A selection of our Beauty and Lace club members are reading The Last Truehart by Darry…

Author Interview: Jennie Jones

Jennie Jones is a talented author who lives in Perth, Western Australia. We have been lucky…

Author Interview: L.J.M Owen

Author L.J.M Owen has a new book called The Great Divide which a selection of our…

Author Interview: Amanda Foody

One of our August book club reads was Daughter of the Burning City, a dark and…

Blog Tour Author Interview: Claire Corbett

Claire Corbett has a background in government policy as well as writing on defence and strategy…

Blog Tour Author Interview: Holly Ford

Today we have an interview with author Holly Ford about her latest release The Last McAdam,…

Blog Tour Author Interview: Penelope Janu

Penelope Janu is a debut author celebrating her first release in February; In At The Deep…

Blog Tour Author Interview: Christine Dibley

Christine Dibley is a Tasmanian mother pursuing a writing career, beginning with her debut To The…

Blog Tour Author Interview: Jessica Whitman

Sequel to the glamorous, scandalous High Season, Wild One is the second book in the Polo…

Author Interview: Peggy Frew

The shortlist has been announced for the Miles Franklin Literary Award 2016, the winner will be…