Sewing A to Z

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Author: Nancy Zieman
ISBN: 978-1-4402-1429-5
RRP: $34.99

Nancy Zieman has put together a comprehensive guide of tips and techniques to help with sewing and quilting.

My first thought when I started flicking through this book is that there is a certain teenaged budding seamstress that could really benefit from some of the tips in this book, tips that she may not learn at school.

There are over 100 tips and technique pointers that cover everything from using an Anchor Cloth and Applique to Zippers and Zigzag stitch, leaving very little out in between.

There are many tips for the quilter, budding and experienced alike, time savers  and interesting options that often don’t come included with the patterns; techniques that Nancy Zieman has discovered in her accomplished career.

Nancy Zieman is executive producer and host of Sewing With Nancy, a show which sees her teaching viewers the art of embroidering, sewing and quilting – and has been doing so since 1982. Nancy’s Notions is a mail-order and online source for sewing and quilting products that was founded by Nancy.  She is one of the sewing industry’s most trusted voices so you know that Nancy’s Notes in this book really are tried and tested expert pieces of advice.

sewing a -z

Quilting not your area of interest? Don’t be discouraged, there is plenty in these pages to save you hours, heartache and the dreaded pin stick.

Nancy Zieman uses lots of industry terms that are foreign to me but her simple and friendly approach to the tips she is sharing makes for thorough explanations with easy to follow diagrams.

Covered in this volume of valuable information are things I think would be quite tricky like perfect pockets, beautiful buttonholes and straight seams (which are something I could never master). You can’t forget piping and darts and pleats and all things fiddly.

An absolute wealth of stress savers are contained in this book and they aren’t designed just for beginners. Some of these techniques may be helpful to the experienced seamstress as a new way of doing things. In some places there is a side note to offer an added hint for either the more or less experienced, demonstrating it’s relevance to everyone who likes to sew.

To make things really easy there is a metric conversion chart in the front of the book. Imperial measurements have been used but metric conversions are included and the chart is located in the book for those of us to whom imperial is unconquerable (like me! Babies are weighed in pounds and ounces but apart from that I’m lost).

There is nothing worse when you are trying to work from instructions in a book than it flicking closed all the time, absolutely nightmarish in the kitchen I’m  here to agree, and that is an issue you will never have with ‘Sewing A to Z’. Wire-o binding has been used to ensure that your book is not going to flick closed at any point and you can have it open at your side regardless of where you are working.

Sewing is definitely not one of my strong suits but I think even I could create something wearable with the help of this book.

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