It’s December, I feel like I blinked and missed months. It certainly doesn’t feel like we should be less than a month from Christmas, and more importantly… my family holiday. That means I have a heap to do in preparation so that things run smoothly while I’m away. I think I’m going to try and do the January callout super early, but the books still won’t ship til January, so that I don’t have to try and do it on the road.
I finished another month not quite through the last book club read of the month. It frustrates me but life happens, and I got caught up reading books that weren’t for book club. I have now caught up on the other stuff so hope to finish Child of Africa today and review tonight; because yet again the weekend is pretty much a write-off and most of them will be from here on in I guess.
School is nearly over, we only have one occasional care day left and that’s only a half day with afternoon party. Kindy visits went well and we are all looking forward to next year.
My November stats are up because we did 3 children’s book clubs, some may call it cheating but I call it actually completing my Goodreads challenge (maybe, it’s still in doubt).
November also saw me take a step out of my comfort zone and put my hand up to become one of the round up editors on the AWW Challenge blog so that’s a little scary, exciting and nerve wracking. My first post isn’t until February so I have a little time to get my head around it.
Total Books I read in November: 11
9 Female authors/ 1 Male author
6 Fiction novels / 1 Non-Ficiton/ 1 Cookbook/ 2 Children’s/ 1 Short story
9 print/ 2 digital
Books in series: 4
5 stars on Goodreads: 4
4 stars on Goodreads: 6
Books that qualify for AWW2017: 6
Books for B&L Book Club: 8
Book Club is going so well that everything I read at the moment should be a book club read but this month I snuck in a couple of others. I would love to think I will find more reading time in the coming weeks but I think that’s a pipe dream, what with the end of school and all the Christmas celebrations. I am reading the last November book now and if I’m really focused should finish tonight.
Digital – well I’m not sure they really fit because one was Moment of Truth, it hadn’t arrived so I downloaded from NetGalley and there is a short story Prequel to Suddenly One Summer called If You Were Here that I downloaded and slid in after the book.
Picking a favourite book for November is actually a lot easier than it has been in a while. My favourite novel was Suddenly One Summer because the suspense was so well done but I also think Girlish is an amazing new release that girls everywhere need to be reading.
Least favourite is one that I am actually not going to include anymore because I just don’t like having to choose one.
Male authors are a little under represented because I’m working on my #AWW2017 total, and I have now officially finished it. I have read 50 books by Australian Women in 2017 so I will have to go find the challenge completed form and see what else I need to do. Though I will still be reading Australian women through December and will be interested to see my final total.
That’s it for me, I’m trying to fit in this and lunch before school pickup so I will leave you to it, hopefully I will have a little reading time.
What have you read and loved in November?
And if you aren’t a member of the book club but would like to be head over and check it out:
Happy Reading!
November books and their review links where live:
This Is A Book! (No WiFi Needed)
The Treatment
The Empress
Facing The Flame
Moment of Truth
Something Secret
Suddenly One Summer
The Healthy Mummy Christmas & Entertaining Cookbook
I devour books, vampires and supernatural creatures are my genre of choice but over the past couple of years, I have broadened my horizons considerably. In a nutshell – I love to write! I love interacting with a diverse range of artists to bring you interviews. Perhaps we were perfect before – I LOVE WORDS!
So glad to see Suddenly One Summer was your favourite pick for November. I purchased it last week and I’m really looking forward to some holiday time so I can read it.
As always, Michelle’s Reading Wrap is compulsory reading for me and I’m never disappointed. Husband downloaded Alli Sinclair’s “Under the Spanish Stars” and the prequel for me to take on holidays – and I loved it as much as “Beneath the Parisian Skies” which I was thrilled to receive courtesy of Beauty and Lace. We are indeed very fortunate to be able to indulge our book passion this way!
Someone definitely stole parts of 2017 because it can’t possibly be December!! Thanks for another great wrap, Michelle.