BOOK CLUB: Make or Break

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Author: Catherine Bennetto
Publication Date:
August 2018
Simon & Schuster
Courtesy of the Publisher

Catherine Bennetto is a new author to me, this is her second book and it is already getting some very positive reviews on Goodreads.

Make or Break is said to contain witty and realistic dialogue, which I think is a very important element of a character driven story. I also think dialogue can be one of the toughest elements to nail because it needs to have the flow and feel of real conversation. You need to be able to hear it in your head and not just be reading it off the page.

Jess is a Londoner coming up on 30 who is about to head off on a surprise trip with her long term boyfriend, Pete, for her best friend’s wedding in South Africa. Jess is picturing sun, sand, safaris… and wine. She’s also imagining returning home weighed down by the weight on her left hand.

Unfortunately tis trip isn’t quite what Jess had planned and she finds her world a little skewed, soon to get even worse.

Make or Break is a romantic comedy that has been compared to some of the great names of the genre and it is sure to go down a treat with readers

Catherine Bennetto can be found on her Website and Twitter.

Make or Break is available through Simon & Schuster, Angus and Robertson Bookworld, Booktopia and where all good books are sold.

Thanks to Simon & Schuster 10 of our lucky Beauty and Lace Club Members will be reading Make or Break so please be aware there may be spoilers in the comments below.

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