By T.M. ClarkISBN: 9781489260925Copy courtesy of Harper Collins Dr Lily Winters, Research Consultant with the World Health…
Author: DebM
BOOK CLUB: Christmas in the Countryside
By Marion Lennox, Amy Andrews, and Meredith WebberISBN: 9781489290281Copy courtesy of Harper Collins Australia Three lovely…
BOOK CLUB: The Heart of The Ritz
By Luke DevenishISBN13: 9781925750218Publisher: Simon & Schuster Australia Polly Hartford has only ever known her aunt…
Book Review: Two Weeks ‘Til Christmas
Author: Laura GreavesISBN:9780143787709RRP: $32.99Publication Date: 13 November, 2017Publisher: PenguinCopy: Courtesy of the Publisher I started this…
BOOK CLUB: I Love My Mum Because
Author: Petra JamesIllustrator: Alissa DinalloISBN: 9781760784386RRP: $14.99Publication Date: 26 March 2019Publisher: Pan MacmillanCopy: Courtesy of the…
BOOK CLUB: The Runaway Daughter
Author:Joanna ReesISBN:9781447266778RRP:$29.99Publication Date:26 February 2019Publisher:Pan MacmillanCopy:Courtesy of the Publisher Joanna Rees has written a beautiful story…
BOOK CLUB: Amelia Chamelia and the Birthday Party
Author: Laura SievekingISBN: 978 0 14379 166 9RRP: $9.99Publication Date: 8 January 2019Publisher: PuffinCopy: Courtesy of the Publisher With great enthusiasm,…