Dee Leigh, author of Swipe, Date, Repeat took some time out to have a chat with Beauty and Lace.
Get to know Dee in this interview.
What inspired you to write this book?
There were several factors that contributed to the writing of this book. The first one being, it had been on my mind a long time before it came to fruition. I’d been single for years and all my friends were in relationships, so whenever we were together, they would always ask how my dating life was going. I think they were living vicariously through me.
I would always respond with, ‘You’re not going to believe what happened to me!’ My friends would often sit there with bated breath on what would come out of my mouth next. They would often tell me that I need to put pen to paper because sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction and I certainly proved that. You can’t make some of this stuff up.
During our first lockdown in 2020, that’s what I did. I started writing my stories. It helped for two reasons, the first being it relieved the boredom of lockdown. It gave me something to do. But the second reason is the important one, it was cleansing for my soul. I’ve had my heart broken, I’ve had my confidence smashed and I have been miserable. Getting it all out helped. Many of the chapters helped me reflect on who I am as a person.
They have also made me realise how strong I am. The chapter TONY, in particular, was the hardest to write and it took the longest. I bawled my eyes out when writing it, but once it was done, I felt relief. Almost like a weight had lift off my shoulders.
Can you tell us a little about it?
The book is basically a reflection and recount of my online dating history. I have been on so many dates and off the top of my head, I’d say I’ve been on about six different sites.
I’m still on two as we speak. My dad said to me the other day, ‘The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.’ It is true, but I’m still hopeful. Not all dates have been bad. I’ve made some lifelong friends out of some, so at least that’s a positive.
What is your favourite part of the publishing process?
I would have to say, the final product. After months of to and fro with the publisher and the editor, to finally have your book, your work, in your hands is an amazing feeling. I was in awe when I held my book for the first time.
Both my kids were home and when I opened the box, we just stood there and did a group hug. My kids were telling me how proud they were of me. It was a real special moment for our family.
Who is your target audience?
I think my audience can be broad. Initially, I thought it’s targeted to females, probably 20 years and up. I think they can all relate, even if they haven’t been on dating sites, everyone has a dating horror story. I’ve even had a few of my male friends read the book and they have said they enjoyed reading it.
One of my chapters, Matty whom I’m still very good friends with and have shared many of my stories with messaged me the other day. He bought himself a copy and felt a little special that he was in the book. He said that he was about halfway through and was finding it difficult to put it down. He also told me he wanted to give me a big hug because he didn’t realise everything I had been through.
So that made me realise that even though females are my target audience, men can relate to it also. They have had horror stories as well.
What advice would you give to someone writing their first book?
Funny, when I tell people that I have written a book and it was being published, I had several tell me that they have either written a book or were thinking about doing so. My advice to them was to get as close to what they would perceive to be a finished product, and then look up publishing companies and see what their process is.
Having gone through Shawline Publishing Group, I found the process easier than I thought. Swipe, Date Repeat is my first published book and I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. Everyone that I dealt with was helpful and patient with me, always reassuring me and answering all the questions that I had. They guided me through the whole process.
Another bit of advice I gave was to never give up. Your book may not be picked up by the first publisher you submit to. Did you know that Dr Seuss was rejected 27 times before his first book was published?
Who are your favourite authors?
I like reading crime and suspense novels. I really enjoy reading Martina Cole and Mary Higgins Clark. I also like reading biographies and true crime books.
I just finished reading a Bryce Courtenay book which I also enjoyed although it took forever as it was over 800 pages. Probably a bit too long in my opinion.
What are you currently reading?
I’m reading Kiss The Girls And Make Them Cry by Mary Higgins Clark. She has a way of weaving and developing her characters that keep you engaged. I find with her books, once I start, I can’t stop, hook, line and sinker.
Where can our members follow you on social media?
My daughter is my social media guru. She has helped me set it all up. So I’m on Instagram and Facebook. Also on Facebook, there is a Dee Leigh Author page which we have only just recently developed so it’s still a work in progress.
What is next for Dee Leigh?
Well, now I think I have developed the writing bug. I have a few book ideas circling in my head. It’s just finding the time to start another book all over again. Working full time makes it difficult to get started. I have an addictive personality, so once I start something, I have to keep going until it’s done.
That’s why I refuse to start a series on Netflix. I do have this dream of taking a fortnight off, booking a room that is directly opposite the beach and start my second book.
Who knows what’s just around the corner?

I am a mother of four beautiful children. I can’t leave a book unfinished which equals a lot of late nights! When I’m not reading you can find me in the garden, or helping out at Beauty and Lace.